Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jesus loves me and Jesus loves U2

I remember the 80's very well. Most of it was tied to music for me. I remember getting my first "boom box" for my birthday and one of my first cassette tapes was a band called U2. The album was The Unforgettable Fire released in 1984 and I have been a fan ever since.

I know some of you have a hard time understanding this... Jason and Dan... That's OK, keep trying.

Recently Bono was chosen by Time magazine a person of the year. If you can find a copy, check it out. Even more recent, Bono (lead singer for the band U2), was invited by President Bush to speak at he National Prayer breakfast in Washington, Feb 2. If you have 20 minutes check it out here.

Bono is a "Ragamuffin" Christian. He's rough, very rough around the edges. Although I cannot subscribe to eveything he says, I can't subscribe to everything "I" say. One thing Bono shared was this:

"A number of years ago, I met a wise man who changed my life -- in countless ways, big and small. I was always seeking the Lord’s blessing. I - I'd be saying, "Look, I've got a new song...Would you look out [for it]. I have a family; I'm going away on tour -- please look after them. I have this crazy idea. Could I have a blessing on it."

And this wise man asked me to stop. He said, "Stop asking God to bless what you’re doing. Get involved in what God is doing -- because it’s already blessed. Well, let's get involved in what God is doing. God, as I say, is always with the poor. That's what God is doing. That's what He’s calling us to do."

My friend Jeff Cash shares a wonderful story about the difference that can be made when we get involved in what God is doing. Samuel is a wonderful young man who has been blessed as have many others throught the missionary efforts of the Cash family. They are not alone. They need your prayers and support.

Samuel is a blessed story. Others in his family have not faired as well. Others in his village never got the chance for anything. I believe Jesus provided a way for Jeff to pass by this once small boy who would have died if it were not for the efforts of Jeff and other Christians...

"It’s not a coincidence that in the Scriptures, poverty is mentioned more than 2,100 times. It’s not an accident. That’s a lot of air time. You know, the only time Jesus Christ is judgmental is on the subject of the poor. "As you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me." [I] believe that's Matthew 25:40."
-Bono, in his National Prayer Breakfast address,

Get involved with what God is doing because it's already blessed.

Preach it Bono!



Jason Hill said...

I'm slowly becoming convinced that our most important mission as Christians is to help other people, namely the poor. (Only reason I say slowly is because I'm sometimes hard of hearing.) I think if we would really embrace helping others the other stuff would happen automatically. (BTW, thanks for getting me hooked on U2.)

tabitha jane said...


Unknown said...

Hmm. Am I suprised to find someone who holds the same opinion of Bono as I? It is one opinion I keep to myself. Yes, Bono spoke well. the poor. the least. add: the prisoner. Yes, where God's eye is.

blessings to you, and to your growing family :)
