Sunday, December 25, 2005

In Jesus' name, Peace on Earth...

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

No room for another Christmas Story

The little town was filled with many travelers who had come to register for the census. Could it have been his pregnant wife and his used donkey that slowed the travel time for Joseph? How many rest stops did he have to take for his wife? How many miles does a used donkey get to the bale of hay? Whatever happened, Joseph and a pregnant Mary arrived in Bethlehem to over crowded streets and signs of “No Vacancy.”

Inn after inn, Joseph could find no shelter for the night. It wasn’t a stormy night… Shepherds were out watching their sheep in the fields. However, the greatest act of heavenly nature was on the move and there would be no avoiding it. Birthing pains announced the imminent arrival of a child who would save people from their sins.

“Sorry, I have no more room in the inn.” “Please, the time for my wife to give birth is now!” “I can't give you what I don’t have. We're full.” “We can’t sleep in the fields.” “The shepherds do.” “Are they pregnant?” “I don’t know.” “Joseph.” “Yes dear” “Please hurry!” “Keep breathing. Find your focal point” “Is she OK?” “Listen, we need a place to stay or my wife is going to have a baby right here.” “ I just cleaned the floor” “Do you know of any place we could find shelter?” “Everything is full. I only have room for your tired donkey.” “Where?” “In the stable.” “I’ll take it.” “You want to use my barn for…” “Yes.” “Well…” “JOSEPH!” “Here’s my deposit.” “Would you like one key or… Uh, sorry, there are no keys to the stable.” "That’s OK. We will manage.” “Good night”

One can only imagine that giving birth to a baby would not be different from women who give birth today. Silent night? I’m not sure. Holy night? Yes. Hours of labor would birth the hope of God showing He has not given up on His passionate pursuit of men.

“How was your night sir?” “Long.” “Did you sleep well?” “No” “Did your wife have her baby?” “Yes” “Boy or a girl?” “Boy” “Congratulations.” “Thank you” “I see you have company.” “Yes, some local shepherds.” “Will they be staying with you? I only have you down for two… Um, three.” “They are just visiting my son.” “Good.” "I would like to stay a few more days.” “Will you be having more visitors?” “Does it matter?” “This isn’t a palace you know.” “Trust me, I know.” “Listen, visitors crowd my customers out. If they don’t pay, they don’t stay.” “What are you telling me?” “If you want to show off your child, take him out to a hillside and lift him up so everyone can see him.” “Lift Him up?” “Have a nice day sir.” “Thank you.”

How can the Word become flesh and dwell among us and not be noticed? How could the innkeeper not have recognized this historic moment in time and worshiped like the shepherds? It's amazing that Glory is missed, even today, when people refuse to notice Christ.

The thought never crossed my mind before. The innkeeper missed it. He housed the Lord of lords, the King of kings in an old barn while he slept in the comforts of a full belly, a full house and a full pocketbook. He slept through the night God came to earth.

Remember, it's CHRISTMAS not Christmiss . Wake up… Stay awake… Worship Him.

Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Gingerbread House

What a great day... Kids can be a lot of fun to watch. Today we had a "Gingerbread Factory" at our church. It was great to see kids putting more candy in their mouth than on their houses. What could you expect? Place a bucket of treats in front of a well diciplined child and he will sin. The stained outer rim the mouth is a dead give away. My son put more frosting in his mouth than on his house I think.

After reading about Peter Pan, a story of my good friend Jason Hill A.K.A. Peter Pan, how could I stop my kids from the joy of eating as much sugar as they could get in their mouth? I couldn't.

Anyhow, most of the kids had fun... Here are a few pics of the day with my new camera. I am still trying to get the hang of it. It's not a camera for stupid people. If you own a camera like this, it thinks you know what you are doing. Having this much muscle, I would like to apologize to Jason for giving him a hard time about multiple exposures. Please forgive me J.

Well, enjoy the kids. They were fun.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A day that will live...

I wanted to take a moment of time and remember the price paid for freedom.

It's difficult to live in the shadow of such a horrific time that changed the world. War is war. Yet, today another battle is being fought for freedom. Does it matter if it's my freedom that's being fought for or not to make war just? Freedom has a price. Period.

If we are to accept the "freedom" to sling mud at our leaders then we must know that in order to do so a price must be paid. It's freedom. Choose to use your freedom to build not to destroy. Enough has been destroyed.

I never met Howard Eugene, but he paid a price for freedom. Thank you Howard.

I love the song written by William Whiting, Eternal Father, Strong to Save...

The original hymn was written by William Whiting of Winchester, England, in 1860. It was originally intended as a poem for a student of his, who was about to travel to the United States. In 1861, John B. Dykes, an Episcopalian clergyman, composed the tune "Melita" for this hymn. ("Melita" is an archaic term for Malta, the site of a shipwreck involving the Apostle Paul mentioned in Acts of the Apostles chapters 27-28.)
Like many hymns, this hymn can also be considered a prayer.

What a nice prayer... Read carefully and remember the hope we have in Christ.

The original words are:

Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
O Christ! Whose voice the waters heard
And hushed their raging at Thy word,
Who walked'st on the foaming deep,
And calm amidst its rage didst sleep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
Most Holy Spirit! Who didst brood
Upon the chaos dark and rude,
And bid its angry tumult cease,
And give, for wild confusion, peace;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
O Trinity of love and power!
Our brethren shield in danger's hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe'er they go;
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee
Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.


Monday, December 05, 2005

When I grow up...

YEAH! I finally figured out how to add my own personal header. It only took several long hours of reading websites and a bit of trial and error... OK, a lot of trial and even more ERROR.

Last night was our celebration Sunday worship at church. It's a time to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. I took my camera and walked around taking some pics. My friend Kim wanted to see my camera and as she held it, in my direction, she snapped the shot above in the "new" header. With a little photoshop, taa-daaaa! New look. Thanks Kim.

Here is a shot I captured last night... Walt Hamilton.

When I first moved here to Wenatchee, I was in the office for the second day when Walt showed up to let us know his wife had passed away sometime that morning... It was a sorrowful time and not the best way to meet someone for the first time. It make you think of your future with your wife and who will have the blessing of going home first. However, the sorrow was felt. He would be going home second. He would have to sit at the table with one plate and go to an empty bed at night. I couldn't even begin to imagine.

Since that difficult time I have come to know Walt on a more personal level. Not a defeated man named Walt Hamilton, but a victorious saint and servant of the most high God. He grew up in Goldendale and his family owned a farm, that to this day still has the name "Hamilton" on a big white barn which can be seen on the westside of hwy 97.

To those of us here, he is known as Grandpa Walt and he is the kind of Christian man I want to be when I grow up.

He loves to talk to you and grab your arm so you can't run away.
He crosses icy parking lots every Sunday and Wednesday to meet with the saints
He prays in the King James language
He quotes scripture... in the KJV language
He says, "thank you"
He laughs
He cries
He fought for and loves his country
He calls my kids, all of them, peanut
He opens doors for the ladies
He takes his time
He listens... even when he can't hear you
He is a traditional believer but loves to see young people love Jesus
He says, "God bless you"
He watches TV... really loud
He makes you stop and want to visit
He wears a tie
He supports the great commission
He speaks with knowledge and authority
He says, "I don't know"
He Drives! but not fast
He tells stories of his past
He writes letters to students in Africa, through World Bible School
He is alive
He loves God
He is saved by the blood of the Lamb

I would like to be like him when I grow up.


Saturday, December 03, 2005


It's winter time and cold is in the air. There is a difference between having cold and nothing to show for it; and cold with lots of snow. As much as I don't really like driving in the snow, I would rather have cold and snow than just cold. It's a beautiful site.

Today we picked up our Christmas tree and the lights around the house are shining... Of course, I never took them down from last year. Last year my lights were multi-colored... This year, we have white lights around the house. OK, we have white lights on the south side of the house. The other sides are a bit faded... Some faired better than others.

I am sure there is a spiritual story in this... I'll let you think about it instead of telling you what I think.

God bless you as you focus on Him.


Thursday, December 01, 2005

So Long Roses?

Well, it has been a while since I've been on this road. My original thoughts of this page was to include ONLY the times I had come into contact with others and shared Christ. So the pages have been emptied for some time waiting for that moment. I've been stuck in a moment and I can't get out of it. I think I may have missed something. Daily being lead by the Spirit? Of course, everyday. It may come in the form of a man on the side of the road... It may come in a photograph of a child. It just might be in a dark closet. Wherever, the Spirit is there.

Today I can hardly see the road... It's covered in snow. But what a wonderful thing to illustrate the Spirit of the living God. He covers our sins and makes us white as snow.

I am not sure if I have met a person on the face of the earth that has not been taken back by the scene of snow covered fields. It is as beautiful a reminder to me as the rainbow is a promise of God. The Spirit is everywhere. He is leading. The question is, am I following?

I must remember, even if I don't see it, I still have a Spirit to follow. James Berry the author of Peter Pan wrote, "God gives us memory so we can have roses in December." So with the snow, the roses go, but I remember.

I must remember, not by my strength, but by the Spirit of the Lord. Everyday, in all Your ways.
