Wednesday, December 21, 2005

No room for another Christmas Story

The little town was filled with many travelers who had come to register for the census. Could it have been his pregnant wife and his used donkey that slowed the travel time for Joseph? How many rest stops did he have to take for his wife? How many miles does a used donkey get to the bale of hay? Whatever happened, Joseph and a pregnant Mary arrived in Bethlehem to over crowded streets and signs of “No Vacancy.”

Inn after inn, Joseph could find no shelter for the night. It wasn’t a stormy night… Shepherds were out watching their sheep in the fields. However, the greatest act of heavenly nature was on the move and there would be no avoiding it. Birthing pains announced the imminent arrival of a child who would save people from their sins.

“Sorry, I have no more room in the inn.” “Please, the time for my wife to give birth is now!” “I can't give you what I don’t have. We're full.” “We can’t sleep in the fields.” “The shepherds do.” “Are they pregnant?” “I don’t know.” “Joseph.” “Yes dear” “Please hurry!” “Keep breathing. Find your focal point” “Is she OK?” “Listen, we need a place to stay or my wife is going to have a baby right here.” “ I just cleaned the floor” “Do you know of any place we could find shelter?” “Everything is full. I only have room for your tired donkey.” “Where?” “In the stable.” “I’ll take it.” “You want to use my barn for…” “Yes.” “Well…” “JOSEPH!” “Here’s my deposit.” “Would you like one key or… Uh, sorry, there are no keys to the stable.” "That’s OK. We will manage.” “Good night”

One can only imagine that giving birth to a baby would not be different from women who give birth today. Silent night? I’m not sure. Holy night? Yes. Hours of labor would birth the hope of God showing He has not given up on His passionate pursuit of men.

“How was your night sir?” “Long.” “Did you sleep well?” “No” “Did your wife have her baby?” “Yes” “Boy or a girl?” “Boy” “Congratulations.” “Thank you” “I see you have company.” “Yes, some local shepherds.” “Will they be staying with you? I only have you down for two… Um, three.” “They are just visiting my son.” “Good.” "I would like to stay a few more days.” “Will you be having more visitors?” “Does it matter?” “This isn’t a palace you know.” “Trust me, I know.” “Listen, visitors crowd my customers out. If they don’t pay, they don’t stay.” “What are you telling me?” “If you want to show off your child, take him out to a hillside and lift him up so everyone can see him.” “Lift Him up?” “Have a nice day sir.” “Thank you.”

How can the Word become flesh and dwell among us and not be noticed? How could the innkeeper not have recognized this historic moment in time and worshiped like the shepherds? It's amazing that Glory is missed, even today, when people refuse to notice Christ.

The thought never crossed my mind before. The innkeeper missed it. He housed the Lord of lords, the King of kings in an old barn while he slept in the comforts of a full belly, a full house and a full pocketbook. He slept through the night God came to earth.

Remember, it's CHRISTMAS not Christmiss . Wake up… Stay awake… Worship Him.

Merry Christmas