Sunday, December 11, 2005

Gingerbread House

What a great day... Kids can be a lot of fun to watch. Today we had a "Gingerbread Factory" at our church. It was great to see kids putting more candy in their mouth than on their houses. What could you expect? Place a bucket of treats in front of a well diciplined child and he will sin. The stained outer rim the mouth is a dead give away. My son put more frosting in his mouth than on his house I think.

After reading about Peter Pan, a story of my good friend Jason Hill A.K.A. Peter Pan, how could I stop my kids from the joy of eating as much sugar as they could get in their mouth? I couldn't.

Anyhow, most of the kids had fun... Here are a few pics of the day with my new camera. I am still trying to get the hang of it. It's not a camera for stupid people. If you own a camera like this, it thinks you know what you are doing. Having this much muscle, I would like to apologize to Jason for giving him a hard time about multiple exposures. Please forgive me J.

Well, enjoy the kids. They were fun.



Jason Hill said...

Dude, what a perfect activity for kids. I hope someone tried to make a tree-gingerbread-house.

Pics are sweet, I love the tight, face composition that you are so skilled at.

(And don't worry about multiple exposures--that's why we have phatty memory cards :)