Tuesday, June 20, 2006

All because two people fell in love

I will never forget the day I first noticed you. You made an impact that day that would change my life forever. It was your heart I noticed... Oh, and of course your fine body! But your heart was something else. It was passionate and caring. It took the time when no one else cared to even notice.

That's what I love about you. You notice every little detail. You listen with your heart and when the right moment comes, you speak words that show Christ is in your life.

How can I describe your beauty? The world has yet to form words that capture the wonders of your life. But that is it... You have LIFE! I see it in your eyes. You give to everyone everything. You provide for others first when you are in need.

It is your love for God and your love for others that makes your life shine!

Thank you for the 14 years.

I love you.
Always and Forever.


arwen said...

no... seriously... the posts to your family are, hands down, the best. I like the part about her body... very classy! :)

Cheryl said...

Happy anniversary you two!