Sunday, January 22, 2006

When we all get to heaven...

Getting together with other Christians in Jesus' name is one of the best things I get to do. Tonight we hosted our "New Christians" dinner and handed out Bibles with their names and date of "spiritual" birth.

They come from all walks of life. Pam is a daughter of one of our members. She was so excited to get her own Bible. It was wonderful to see her smile.

Robert walked into our building one Sunday morning because he had slept in late and missed Catholic Mass. Last year he lost his wife to cancer and has been overcoming deep hurt and loss. I can only say he came to us via God's Holy Spirit. Robert started attending our meetings and one of our mens small group. He gave his life fully to Christ 12/31/2005. Robert is on the right

Another follower of Christ was not able to attend our dinner... Instead, he now sits at the masters table. Jerry Fox was not the kind of guy you would think would want to hear about Jesus. He was dressed in an all Camo outfit when I first met him. He didn't have a job and he didn't have a home. He was just "driven through". However, he was driving through during an evangelism workshop our church was hosting.

Jerry and his wife Carrie had just met with a Pastor on the westside of the cascades and had accepted Christ as their personal savior. However, the Pastor had not shared the gift of baptism and the unity found in Christ death, burial and resurrection. "It pisses me off" Jerry said. Of course I was taken back by his choice of wording, but I realized he might not know any other words to use. (Considering what else he could have said, I was thankful he used what he did) He said the pastor had "lied" to them. He wanted to receive the gift of salvation and baptism.

Jerry seemed to have trouble staying out of trouble. He was high maintenance. Always needing something. All I could do was listen and share encouragement in Christ and His words. I tried to always be honest with him because he was honest with me.
Because of his honesty, his rough edges, some folks didn't like him. They thought he was lazy and a bum. I guess they were right, but it still didn't help Jerry change into the life Christ offered. It was then I realized that we as Christ followers need to stop telling people what they are and telling them what they can be in Christ.

last Sunday morning at the age of 39, Jerry had a massive heart attack and passed away. Jerry had a hard past life full of drugs and alcohol and only two years of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

There are so many lives with stories of how God reached out and grabbed them. It's a good thing Heaven is for an eternity... It will take a while to share the stories of how God brought victory to the saints in Jesus.

Of course the day is coming, and I am one day closer, when we'll sing and shout the victory.
