Wednesday, March 21, 2007

First Birthday... ONE!

Well, it's here. Adam Ronald Thomas has turned one. Can you believe it? What a year. We've had a bit of a stuggle with Adam's weight gain. Today, he came in at 16lbs 1oz. A bit short from where his doctor wanted him, however, the doctor said, "he's growing at his own rate."

It's tough to think a year has gone by. I just blinked and WHAM! One. Time flies and I have loved every minute of this Thomas kids life. Children are a blessing from God.

I am blessed.

My little Adam, Happy birthday. You're ONE year old today and you have given so much to our family in one short year. I love your smile, I love your eyes, I love your crazy reddish blond hair and I love your little voice when you say, "Papa."

So today I want to remind you of this:
You are Adam, made by God, loved by God and redeemed by God. In the beginning, formed out of dirt, the breath of life, י‎ (yodh) ה‎ (heh) ו‎ (vav) ה‎ (heh), breathed into man. Your name bares witness to the one who walked with God in the Garden. Your name also tells the story of God's grace to redeem a fallen people. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. Before the world and before Adam, God chose us and you.

So hear these words my dear son, live by them, never forget them.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.

I love you.


Jason Hill said...

Happy birthday Adam!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday adam!
