Monday, January 08, 2007

Wind Storm

If you live in the NW, you might have been a part of the major storm that moved through on Sunday. Here in Central Washington, we had the worst storm since I've been here.

Wind gust up to 73 MPH for 7 hours. As I drove around today, I thought I was back in Louisiana doing Katrina relief work. I have never seen so many trees and fences blown away.

Our home is surrounded by 7 larger trees of which 7 still stand. Amazing. Many others didn't fare so well. Thank you Lord for protecting our home.

We received another report that a similar storm will be here tomorrow. We are stocking water and getting out the candles. Large parts of the city are without power. Again, I'm blessed to be writing this. After the storm, tempatures are said to be dropping low into the single digits. Not good for those of us who rely on electric for our heat. (Note to self... get blankets ready.)

I've included a few shots from my outing today. Most of these shots are from a park near by where I take the kids. Looks like there will be little shade this summer. It's terrible to see so many wonderful large trees destroyed.

Keep us in your prayers.



Anonymous said...

hold in there guys! and keep us posted!

Jason Hill said...

I'll say it again. Shnikie!

KMiV said...

That poor dinosaur--now we know why they are extinct!