Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Home Studio

Well, I'm having a fun time in my little home studio... our dining room. I have to thank my friend Jason Hill for pointing me to this site Stobist. My lighting skill are challenged because my studio is small... It's small, really small, but it works.

Mondays are my day off and so I usually get some time to play around and wouldn't you know it, I have my own models. However, today came at a $2 per kid per hour rate. I think I'm in the hole. Anyway, Dawnette, unfortunately, works on Monday. I guess it good, it gets her out of the house because it gives her a chance for "grown-up" talk and I get the kids. She does get to keep Adam, at least for now. All I can say is, "look out Adam, the "studio" is waiting for you."

So here are some of my shots of the kids taken today. I know, I know, no shots of Adam, but remember, he was with Dawnette and I'm in charge of dinner for Mondays and so the dining room had to be back in order before Dawnette and Adam came home.

OK... I couldn't leave Adam out... Here's a shot taken in the "downstairs" studio about a week ago.

So, for friends and family, so that you know, all is well and we are blessed... Happy holidays.



Jason Hill said...

Dude you rock. I want to come to your studio and sit at your feet.

Adam Wolfgang said...

all your kids are gorgeous, Adam is a doll! my wife is greatly jealous, she wants your camera. I'm socking away money to buy her something nice before summer. When I'm ready I will have many questions for you and J on what to buy. Have a love filled holliday!

Anonymous said...

beautiful work johno! and beautiful kids!
great to see all is well in family land!
i wish all you guys a great holiday season and all the best for the new year!
